less than 3 years Exempt

          from 3 to 7 years __________ € 203

          from 8 to 25 years _________ € 332

          from 26 to 65 years ________€ 503

          from 66 to 75 years ________€ 247

          over 75 years _____________ € 178


  • To calculate the corresponding fee, age at 12/31 of the current year will be taken into account
  • Each member has 6 invitations.
  • To qualify for the rates of those over 65, it is an essential condition to have a minimum membership of 2 years
  • Children under 18 years old can only be partners if they are parents or other relatives who are responsible
  • The fee is paid by direct debit in four receipts, (January , march , may and July)

Promotion and WELCOME PACK

Welcome pack, member brings menber, Les Piscines Club Nàutic, Costa Daurada


Mandatory requirement:

You must not have Spanish nationality and must reside abroad.

You can only use the entry bonus “once” in the holiday period and up to a maximum of 1 month.

Price per week € 300 per family (parents-children)

If more members come (grandparents etc) € 70 per person to add to the weekly cost.

If you contract 4 weeks it is € 1000.

This pack cannot be used two consecutive years